Sunday, 9 November 2014

Are you a Dr Google ?

Here is the thing; I like Coke, (that is the cold drink), McDonald's, KFC and everything that is apparently not good for your health.

My motto, as I have indicated on my About page is that One must have Balance in life, you know the thing, "If you work hard you must also play hard".  Thanks to the Internet we suddenly have a millions of experts in different fields, from nutrition, religion and most often health. 

I refer to these unqualified "experts" as Dr Googles, because they read something on the Internet, and suddenly they are the experts in their field or sometimes multiple fieldS. 

These "expert studies" will go viral on social media channels and most social media users will share the "expert study" and also most definitely add their comment to this.When you are at a social gathering you may hear people saying "Don't drink sugar, its bad for you, I read about this on the Internet", well good for you but that does not make you a dietitian.

To come back to may motto, Have balance in life, like I said I enjoy Coca Cola, and some fast foods but I don't consume it every day, perhaps once in two weeks I will have a McDonald's burger or Kentucky or what ever "poison". I also train as often as I can, 6 days a week if my schedule allows it and as 40 year old I don't have any weight problems or other medical condition because of the unhealthy fast foods. I also believe that we should stop blaming these outlets for our stupidity, no one said that you must drink Coca Cola or eat a McDonald's burger, why do we as society keep blaming these business for our ignorance, it is actually pathetic.

One last example : Natural Birth.

Some Dr Googles also believe that a a women should only give birth the natural way and that any other medical intervention is "evil", now, I will not waste anytime further on these stupid statements. If you are one of those who believe that natural birth is the only way of bringing human life into this world, then I surely hope you will have your next child in nature, in the bush, far away from any form of assistance, because that will be truly natural. When it comes to medical matters, I will only take advice from a person who studied 6 years or more at a proper institution.

That's it for now, I am off to McDonalds.

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